Reiki Healing Meditation and a Good Night’s Sleep

Reiki experienceLast night, my boyfriend and I went to a reiki healing meditation circle. If you haven’t done this before, I highly recommend checking it out for a totally calming and peaceful Friday night followed up by a good night’s sleep. Reiki healing meditation circles are typically held at your local metaphysical store or spiritual center. If you’re not sure where to go, check with your massage therapist or yoga studio for some guidance.

Reiki is fairly new for my boyfriend. It was only his 2nd time going. He’s not exactly the meditation type. His meditation would be something more like pacing the house while he’s on the phone or relaxing with a sci-fi movie…but he absolutely loves it!! I know how much he benefits from it since he tends to have high amounts of stress and some difficulty sleeping. I usually have to remind him how much he enjoys it and give him a little nudge and then he’s always happy in the end that he did go.

It’s quite the variety of unique people you’ll find at a reiki healing circle. It’s even great stress relief for teens (if you can get them to join you…mine will not). If not, you’ll be less stressed and better able to deal with them after you’ve been.

The people who attend sometimes seem to speak their own spiritual type of language. You’ll hear things like chi, vibration, gratitude, presence, awareness, universal life force, etc.

Reiki is spiritual in nature but it is not a religion. It doesn’t require any belief for it to work. It’s performed by a laying on of hands. It can be done one on one or in a group.

The word Reiki is broken down to:-

Rei –  higher power

Ki – life force energy

Zen candle

In a reiki circle, people will be seated comfortably in chairs forming a circle. The session may begin with a guided meditation to set the tone of the experience. Last night we were guided deep into the sea, imagining ourselves as the water itself, vast and flowing without boundaries. There are several reiki practitioners that will then circle around the room, spending a few minutes on each person, placing their hands on the receiver’s shoulders, head, back, arms, knees or even feet. They may also take your hands and place them over your own heart to transfer love energy. As the person receiving Reiki, you will simply sit, relax, meditate if you’d like. There are no requirements. Everyone is accepted. The session lasts about an hour. I find the group setting to be energizing. There are so many types of people in the room with everyone’s different energies. Yet, your experience is completely your own as you turn your awareness inward, forgetting everyone else is present.

An hour may seem like a long time to sit but it goes pretty quickly. I feel that the energy of the room and anticipating a practitioner making their way to you tends to pass the time more quickly. My back sometimes gets a bit tight when I’m sitting still but I found that when I started moving around at the end, I actually felt a couple adjustments and felt really good. My boyfriend felt like his spine and body were ascending during the session, as if he kept lengthening and straightening, yet was continuously able to lengthen and straighten more and more, upward and beyond his physical body.

There are endless benefits to reiki. The most common being relaxation and stress relief.

Other benefits of reiki include:

  • reduces physical pain
  • promotes emotional healing and spiritual growth
  • improves sleep
  • mental clarity and balance
  • dissolves energy blocks
  • reduce anxiety
  • allows for a more positive mindset
  • enhances intuition and creativity

Reiki can be a positive healing experience for anyone. There are no contraindications. It’s a great opportunity to practice meditation. Plan your next Friday night as one of relaxation and stress relief. You’ll be happy you did!

Your zen friend,


4 Replies to “Reiki Healing Meditation and a Good Night’s Sleep”

  1. Thanks for the information. This was a very interesting read. It’s good to have a way to relieve yourself from the every day stress of life. Meditation is a great tool and resource for that.


    1. Yes, definitely! Reiki adds to the experience, making what may be an impossible task for some, into a relaxing and enlightening experience.

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